Thursday, September 28, 2017

During Nap Time Daddy Rows Alone

During Nap Time Daddy Rows Alone

We were all tuckered out after another great morning at Longwood Gardens.  Max and Theo had played for hours in their magical childrens garden and we had enjoyed a picnic lunch while watching a massive fountain show on their main lawn.  So when we pulled back into the Philadelphia/West Chester KOA it was definitely cozy RV nap time.  We got the twins settled in their rear bunks and then mommy and baby Wes started to doze off up front.  I was pretty tired myself and my eyelids were feeling very heavy...

But then I suddenly realized that I didnt have a second to spare!  If I was going to go I had to go now.

I had been hoping to rent a canoe at the camp store and spend a quiet hour paddling on the lush and lovely Brandywine River.  Now was my chance.  I quietly whispered to Stephanie and asked if it was okay to head out alone on the river.  She nodded yes and dozed off.

The canoe rentals at this KOA are very reasonably priced and I grabbed a life jacket and padlock key at the campstore and then tramped down the steep walkway that leads to the tent sites along the banks of the river.

The day was slightly overcast and the air was cool.  Which meant that I had the entire river to myself.  It was peaceful and lovely and the reflection of the trees on the calm water was stunning.  The scene made me feel like I was paddling along the banks of a river from a storybook.  I felt deeply relaxed for the first time in a long time--and I clearly had the river to thank for that.

After about a half hour of moderate paddling I hit a very shallow part of the riverbed and decided to head back to the campground.  I took my time paddling back to the KOA and stopped a few times to check out some colorful birds who were singing along the riverbank. I also found a few huge trees that had fallen and found new homes along the bottom of the Brandywine.

During the final stretch I considered diving into the clear, inviting water for a swim.  But the air was a bit too cool.  I filled my hat with water and dumped it over my head instead.  The water washed off any lingering desire for a nap and I felt charged up to get back to my crew.

I love camping with my family more than any other activity in the world.  And when we head out in the RV it is all about spending time together.  However, I was very grateful for this peaceful hour alone.  I felt refreshed and thankful.  I was excited to wake the boys up and take them fishing before dinner.  But they were already awake.  As I headed out of the camp store Max and Theo crashed around the corner and upon seeing me started yelling, "dad, dad, dad, dad, dad."  They were carrying their fishing poles and ready to go.

The river had filled me up with peace and comfort.  Now it was time for my boys to fill me up with joy.


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