Thursday, September 28, 2017

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals now available in 14 languages on Analytics Academy

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals now available in 14 languages on Analytics Academy

In 2015, Analytics Academy launched Google Tag Manager Fundamentals to teach how Google Tag Manager can simplify tag implementation and management. This course content is now available in Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. 

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals shows you how to use tools like Google Analytics and Google AdWords to improve your data collection process and advertising strategies including:

  • the core concepts and principles of tag management using Google Tag Manager 
  • how to create website tags and manage firing rules 
  • how to enhance your Google Analytics implementation 
  • the importance of using the Data Layer to collect valuable data for analysis 
  • and how to configure other marketing tags, like AdWords Conversion Tracking and Dynamic Remarketing.

Check out Google Tag Manager Fundamentals today! Make sure to use the language picker in the lower right corner of the page to select your language.*

Happy tagging!

*Note: This course is not currently open for certification, but all of the lesson and assessment content is available for you to learn and test your knowledge. Join the Google Analytics Academy G+ community to get updates on existing and new course content! 


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